English I-A (Sect. 4): "The Art of Argument"

Fall 2000--Sandra Jamieson.

Welcome to the mainpage for English 1-A, Fall 2000.  Please follow the links to get to wherever you want to be in this syllabus.  If you have questions, send them to me at sjamieso@drew.edu To learn about Meeting times, office hours, etc., click here.
The course
The work--kinds of writing
Why Argument? Informal writing
Class time
Due dates
Engl.1-A & Engl.1 Collaborative writing week 1 week 6 week 11
Course texts The debates week 2 week 7 week 12
Ground rules Electronic Democracy Project week 3 week 8 week 13
Grades The Electronic Writer's Journal week 4 week 9 week 14
Writing Center  Handing in work week 5 week 10 week 15

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