English 2 (01 & 02)--Research Writing--Jamieson, Spring 2000

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Websites produced as part of the final project in section 001 and 002 of this class.
Christine Beardsley
A Brief History of Madison, New Jersey
Courtney Beiser-Riley
Deidre Curran
Process and Purpose:  The Work of Charles and Ray Eames
Kristen Dietrich
Sleep Studies:  Why College Students Aren't Getting Enough Sleep, and What They Can Do About It
Megan Doczi
Genetics vs. Environment
Pete Karnas 
Senator John McCain vs. the Republican Party:  Why McCain Lost and His Options for the Future 
Mike Machin
The Evolution of the NBA
Lonny Maged
Information On And How To Cope With Food Allergies 
Chris McNulty
Reagan and the Record Business: How a Resurgent American Nationalism In the 1980's caused the Springsteen Phenomenon
Katie McKim
Korean Adoption
Jessica Snyder
What Happens When you Don't Sleep?
Pablo Vizcaino
The On-Line Gaming World: It's Not All Fun And Games!
Bob Wannemacher
Hemp and the Environment
Donnie Watson
Neo-Nazis and the Internet 

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Last updated, May 4, 2000