The Drew Writing Requirement

The College of Liberal Arts at Drew University understands that writing plays a central role in a liberal arts education. For this reason, students are expected to satisfy the CLA Writing Requirement by the end of their sophomore year, and must do so by the first semester of their senior year in order to graduate. Students may satisfy the requirement  in several ways: 
  • Pass English 1/Writing, a 4-credit composition course taught fall and spring semesters;
  • Earn a score of 610 or better on the SAT Verbal Test and pass English 2/Writing, a 2-credit composition course taught every spring semester;
  • Earn a score of 4 or 5 on the AP English Literature or Language Exam;
  • Earn a score of 710 or above on the SAT II Subject Examination in English Language or Literature;
  • Successfully complete a course taught by a faculty member at another institution;
  • Submit a paper and an exemption request to the English department before the end of the junior year.
Please contact Sandra Jamieson (973-408-3499) to find out whether other examinations are acceptable substitutions for the Writing Requirement.
F.A.Q.s about the CLA writing requirement
Exemption Request Guidelines 
Transferring Credit for Writing Classes to Drew 
Contact the Director of Composition

 [Drew University]  [College of Liberal Arts]  [English Dept.]  [Questions about the department]

Last updated February 15, 1999