Library appointments, English 2, sections 001 & 002
Spring 2000
Please show up at the reference desk--on time and ready to learn!

Monday Feb 7

12:30     Christine Beardsley    x5833    CBEARDSL       Local history (Madison area)
              Steven Lagerstrom    x4401     SLAGERST        Local history (Madison area)
              Angela Scott               Historic preservation

1:00       Rumi Hossain           x4892     RHOSSAIN        Women (in Muslim countries?)
              Melissa Santiago      x4447     MSANTIAG       Teen magazines & adolescent girls
              Pablo Vizcaino         x5694     PVIZCAIN         Technology & gender equality

2:00        Cortney Riles          x5158     CBEISERR          Belize

7:30       Chris McNulty        x5761       CMCNULTY     Rock and roll history?
              Ari Malul                x5439      AMALUL           Club/electronic music & culture
              Mike Kolber           x5887      MKOLBER        African roots of US music

Tuesday Feb 8

11:00     Bob Wannamacher  x5595    RWANNEMA     Environmental benefits of hemp

12:00      Kristen Dietrich       x5045    KDIETRIC          Effect of irregular sleep patterns
               Jessica Snyder        x4367    JSNYDER           Effect of sleep deprivation


2:00       Katherine Girard     x4718     KEGIRARD       Chicano culure & assimilation?
              Kim Grunstra           x5307     KGRUNSTR      Bilingual education
              Mike Machin          x4630     MMACHIN        Changes in basketball reflecting
                                                                                          cultural changes since the 60s

7:30       Devon Fillat             x5628    DFILLAT            Pres. election & environmental issues
              Pete Karnas            x5466    HKARNAS         Pres. elections & "dark horse" candidates

Wednesday Feb 9

11:15    Tamara Blutstein      x4459        TBLUTSTE     Breast cancer & genetic testing
             Eric Becker             x4526          EBECKER      Eastern & Western medicine
             Lonny Maged          x4775          LMAGED       Food allergies

12:30    Jennifer Wulin          x4527           JWULIN        Attention Deficit Disorder
             Katie McKim          x5590           KMCKIM      Effect of adoption on child
             Megan Doczi           x5320           MDOCZI       Nature-vs-nurture in Psych.

1:00      Don Watson            x5212    DWATSONJ       Hate groups
             Chris Palmer           x4763     CPALMER          Politics of flying confederate flag

2:00      Robin Park               x5115          OPARK         Contemporary art and religion
             Deidre Curran          x4287          DCURRAN    Art & archtecture (Eameses)

Thursday Feb 10

12:00     Lynn Olanoff           x5189           LOLANOFF   Holocaust & homosexuals

[questions?] [Drew library] [Research resources] [Questions for Jody Caldwell, reference librarian]
Chris Cotter x4122CCOTTER   Psych--small group dynamics