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The Course:
Most of your college papers will ask you to make an argument--to take
a stand. But where should one stand when one makes an argument
for college? Where do other people stand? What different
position do people occupy in different disciplines? What difference
does it make where you stand? In this class we will explore the standpoint
of authors and writers. We will read the New York Times and
other national and local newspapers on-line and we will try to work out
what position each writer writes from: what assumptions do they make
about reading and writing? about their audience? about themselves? how
do you react to those assumptions? how do they influence what you
read and how much you trust it? How does it influence the kinds of
things you might have to write about it? what stands might you take
as you write responses to your readings? We will also read essays
on writing and on research and ask the same questions. Then we will
explore the stances you might make as an author of academic papers
for different audiences and purposes. Finally you will write a research
paper exploring the different stances adopted by academics and others on
a specific topic. Your task is not to create one perfectly unified
argument that might appear to be "truth." Rather, your purpose is
to explore in writing the debate--the similarities, differences, and overlaps--between
the authors you read to help the people who read your paper come to a fuller
understanding of the complexity of the issue and the factors which influence
one's position on it.
The Work:
The writing in this class will be frequent and varied, ranging from
informal "dialoging" (see below), through exercises, to a formal research
paper, with many small papers and writing work-outs in between. At
times I will ask you to hand in two or more copies of a piece of writing
so that we may evaluate it in class during workshops. In order for
you to practice writing in response to a number of different stimuli, I
will design some specific writing assignments that everyone must complete,
other assignments will be collectively designed by the class, and yet others
will be of your individual choosing in response to what you have been reading
and thinking over the course of the semester. Because students come
to college with different levels of preparation, we will work on issues
of grammar, style, and general language use both in class in the context
of our readings, and in conferences and individual projects. Each
student will help me to design an “individual writing program” which will
build on areas of strength and develop two specific skills of each student’s
choosing. Students will work on their program at their own pace,
and will be graded on that work as part of the final grade for the course.
Informal Writing:
Research shows that frequent writing produces stronger, more fluent,
and more comfortable writers. Writing is a skill, and all skills
need practice, so I suggest that you practice writing by keeping a Writer’s
Journal. Most of you have already kept such a journal (see handout if you
would like to know more about this valuable form of writing workout);
however, for this class you are not required to keep a journal.
Instead of a journal, I will ask you to participate in weekly "dialogues"
with me. Once a week you will write me a letter. In the first
dialogue you will respond to class discussion, readings, and events on
campus, in the state, the nation, or the world. I will reply to your
letter, and you will then reply to my reply, introducing new topics or
raising questions as necessary. Each student will converse in writing
with me over the course of the semester, and in so doing will strengthen
his or her critical thinking and overall writing skills. This is
a different kind of "thinking-in-writing" than journals require, but it
will help you to achieve the same goal.
Your letters will be sent to me via e-mail (to either of the
addresses listed above) by midnight each Friday. If you send me more
than one letter in any week, I will try to reply to each letter, although
I may respond to all of them at once if they seem to be addressing the
same theme.
Collaborative Research:
in the world of the work place, and in many academic disciplines too,
collaboration is the name of the game. Corporations organize workers
into teams responsible for conducting necessary research, identifying problems,
brainstorming solutions, and then writing up what they find. In this
class you will engage in at least one project where the research is collaborative
although the writing will be individual. At first you may not like
this kind of research, and with some cause as it involves cooperation,
trust, and some loss of ego--things we have learned to avoid if possible.
Yet these team skills are also the very things that will make you successful
in the workplace and, more important to me, in college. There are
a number of ways to research and write collaboratively, and you will learn
them in this class. There are also strategies to make it less painful,
and you'll learn those too. The end result will be worth it.
Collaborative research allows team members to find a lot more relevant
material than individual research.
Research Assignment #1
Between 2/15 and 2/19 you will be assigned to work in the library in
small groups (see the syllabus for 2/11). At
a time convenient to all members of your group, you will meet with
a reference librarian in a follow-up session to the one you had in your
First Year Seminar last semester. For this assignment, your group
must find the following:
1) at least four sources that provide
background information on the news topic you have selected (this can include
one encyclopedia entry if you like). Try to find material from the
most academic sources you can find/understand;
2) at least four other contemporary perspectives
on the topic (this can include one cartoon, one table or graph, and no
more than two Internet sources). Your goal here is to find a range
of opinion. Look for left-wing, right-wing, and liberal news media,
academic and non-academic journals, and both reliable and questionable
You will write up your library findings by first summarizing
and then synthesizing
the background information (due 2/23) and finally comparing
the contemporary perspectives (due 3/5). As you work on the final
paper you will share your research and ideas, brainstorm connections and
review each others drafts. The papers will be written individually
with citations of any group member whose ideas you used in addition to
citation of your sources.
You will write a series of summaries for this
class, all of which will be handed in as part of your summary portfolio.
In addition to summarizing chapters from the handbook, you will write at
least six other summaries.
Comparison Papers
You will write two comparison papers in this class. The first is a short comparison of the different stances people take to the media story you decide to follow at the beginning of the course. The second is a longer paper that may become the basis for your final research paper if you like.
Comparison Paper #1:
When you go to the library as part of research assignment #1, you will
select four contemporary sources that take different
stances on your topic (the librarian will help you select appropriate sources).
In class on Feb. 25 you will work with your group to describe and analyze
the stance of these contemporary sources. You will write a draft
of a paper in which you compare the different stances people in the media
take on
your topic as homework for that class, revise it in class on Tues.
March 2, and hand in the final paper on Friday March 5. (You may hand in
a revised version for the mid-term portfolio due on March 12, and for your
comparison portfolio, due on March 30.)
Comparison Paper #2
As homework for March 9, everyone will read the
Times from the day he or she was born and select a story that seems
particularly dated. In this paper you will compare what we knew or
assumed to be true then with what we know or assume now, and so draw conclusions
about the two different time periods. Your thesis will focus on what
your comparison reveals about the differences between then and now.
This can include our level of ignorance about issues, so don't worry if
you don't understand the background to the story you read, that can become
part of the paper -- and if you would like to learn more about that background,
you can conduct research for the final paper.
These comparison papers will be due, along with
all of your drafts and notes and the comparison of the information in the
tables (from class on March 4), in the comparison portfolio on March 30.
Final Research Paper
There are two possible topics for this paper:
Topic 1: Working in a group,
or alone, your task this time is to find out the history of an education-related
topic that has been raised in the Times or The Acorn (which
you should also read every week) this semester. Looking back over
old editions of The Acorn (yes, they are in the library) and other
news media you will explore the history of your topic and take a stance
on it. Your final paper will have several parts. Part (i) will
summarize the history of the topic you have selected; part (ii) will synthesize
the opinions (stances) you have found on the topic; in part (iii) you will
take a stance on the topic and argue a position. This stance might
take the form of a call for change, a claim about the significance of the
event/topic, or a comparison and evaluation of two reactions. The
introduction to the paper will introduce readers to the three parts of
the paper and the stance (thesis) you will argue. Topics for research
can range from school desegregation, campus activism, education reform,
affirmative action, multiculturalism, or "political correctness,"
to education financing, the use of part time faculty, general education
programs, curriculum revision, faculty salaries, codes of practice, campus
Judicial Boards and/or codes of conduct or whatever issue appeals to you.
Topic 2:
Read The New York Times for the day you were born and conduct research
on the background of one story from that paper. What do you need
to know to understand the event in question? What does it reveal
about the U.S. of your birth year that this story made the news?
Would we consider it newsworthy today? Is the issue still of concern
to us today, or has it been resolved? You may use the comparison
paper you wrote for 3/30 to help you think about this topic if it seems
helpful, but the final paper must use significant research (even if it
adopts the same thesis as the earlier paper).
Course structure and goals:
English 1 is designed as a writing workshop where you will learn strategies
for writing academic papers and improving your overall writing skills.
We will work on the basic skills of effective college-level writing, especially
how we can use style, grammar, and word choice to create specific effects
in written prose. In this first section of the course you will practice
writing definitions, summaries, classifications, and comparisons.
We will analyze the prose of others, imitate their writing strategies and
prose styles, and summarize their points in a few sentences. You
will practice several expository forms including description and narration.
In the second section of the course we will focus on academic writing itself,
beginning with what academic writers must do before they begin to write:
you will learn how to analyze a topic/assignment, how to use all that you
know to best respond to it, how to focus your knowledge and organize your
ideas, and how to focus a topic for research. You will select a research
topic, find sources, and practice the skills learned in these first two
segments of the course by compiling an annotated bibliography. Next
you will learn how to refine your relationship with your audience and structure
a paper accordingly. As you read the texts you have selected for
your research, you will practice comparison, critique, and synthesis by
writing about that material. This will lead you to the final
component of the course: a thesis-driven research paper. You will
strengthen your ability to focus a topic, write a research proposal, conduct
additional research, formulate a thesis, plan a paper, and write an 8-10
page thesis-driven research paper.
At each stage of the process you will learn how to evaluate your own
writing and that of others, making you a more effective editor and writer.
As you become more of an expert writer, you will learn how to understand
the writings of others more fully: how to perceive their thesis, analyze
the assumptions they make about their audience and follow their overall
patterns of organization. This, in turn, will make you more able to analyze
questions and understand what you read. It will also, I hope, help
you to become a more confident writer who appreciates the power of written
language, is able to use that power, and enjoys doing so!
Ground rules:
A seminar is only as strong as its laziest member, so it is essential
that each member of the seminar accepts her or his responsibility to the
other members. Thus:
1) You will be expected to attend every class prepared to participate
and share your ideas and writing with your writing colleagues. If
you are unprepared, the workshop will not work, your colleagues will suffer,
and you will be marked as absent. Three unexplained absences will
result in your final grade being lowered by one letter;
2) You must respect your fellow writers. This means that you
must take them and their ideas and writing seriously and comment constructively
with sensitivity to their feelings. Failure to do this will result
in a collapse of the trust necessary for a workshop and you will be asked
to leave (and marked as absent). Lack of respect ranges from discriminating
comments (homophobia, racism, sexism, etc.), to yawns, the pulling of faces,
drumming fingers, laughter, asides to other members of the seminar, and
so on.
The grades for this course are assigned on the basis of the distance
each writer travels during the semester in addition to the place each person
has reached by the end of the course. Specifically, grades will be
based on the following:
1) Preparedness and contribution to class discussion and writer’s workshops
(10%): Obviously if you do not attend class, sleep through it, or
otherwise fail to participate I cannot assess the extent of your preparation,
and will be forced to assume there was none. Failure to attend conferences
with me will lead me to the same conclusion.
2) Overall effort toward improvement (30%): I will judge this
on the basis of your weekly dialogues and the notes, drafts, and general
writing assignments given in English 1, thus it is important that you keep
drafts and notes, bring them to class, and put them in the relevant portfolios
when you hand them in. I will also determine your effort from our
conferences and your visits to my office hours.
3) Application of the material covered in the class (60%): This
will be determined from the two portfolios you will compile, one in the
middle and the other at the end of the semester. Each portfolio will
contain two papers and a preface in which you discuss the papers and the
reasons you selected them rather than others you have written in this class.
These portfolios will be graded by me and by at least one other person
teaching English 1 this semester. Portfolio graders will be looking
at the overall quality of the finished papers based on a list of skills
that we will discuss in class (see handout). The grades for the two
portfolios will be divided as follows:
Mid-term portfolio (2 papers) 20%
Final portfolio (1 paper and your research paper) 40%
Please buy the following:
• Chris Anson & Robert Schwegler's Longman Handbook for Writers
and Readers (the same book you used for your FYS and English 1-A)
• You may buy a subscription to the New York Times (I will hand
out forms on the first day of classes). We will read the Times on-line,
but the on-line edition (which is free) is only available for the day of
publication (you must pay to read archived articles).
• You also need:
° a good dictionary—the heavier the better (which you
should bring to class),
° pens of several colors (at least one green, purple
or red),
° two plain loose paper manila folders to hold portfolio
° a three-ring folder for handouts from this class—including
this syllabus,
° A LAN card & cable and a LAN account (available
by contacting the Computer AIDE Station)
° A computer disk to backup store your work for this
CLASS. (So you are responsible for making backups and saving
on the LAN.)
Class time:
This class meets in a seminar room for good reason. Classes will
be spent writing, workshopping or discussing writing, writing assignments
and examples of writing produced by writers from a variety of discourse
situations, including this class.
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